Day 10 of my goal to write every day. Today’s topic: overcoming fear and achieving your freelance writing goals.


That one word changed my life. In June 2016, I was writing for Lifehack, earning peanuts. I then stumbled across the “Earn Your First $1000 as a Freelance Writer” Challenge and it changed everything for me.

Not only did I meet the goal, but I now have a thriving freelance writing business. And it’s thanks to Bamidele Onibalusi and the support of the Facebook group that he launched.

The Facebook Group is currently 2000 members strong. While it’s a closed group – invite only -, contact me if you’re interested and I’ll see what I can do (I’m a moderator).

So, without Bamidele and the group, I’d never have achieved the goal of earning my first $1000 as a freelancer writer, and more importantly, my goal and dream of location independence and self-employment.

While the group offered a huge support base – something often needed when you’re trying to achieve something – out of the entire group not that many people achieved the goal. I don’t know exact numbers, but it wasn’t that many.

What I can tell you is why many didn’t achieve that goal and it’s simply because they took no action. I understand we all have doubts. We all have fears. We question ourselves. We think, “I’m not ready” or “I need to perfect my craft”.

But the bottom line is you’re just stalling.

You’re making excuses and the truth is: you’ll never be ready. Who ever is? “I’m not ready” is a word that makes us feel comfortable. “I’m not ready”, is in the future, unattainable.

So I encourage you to take action. And if you don’t know what action to take, just do something. Ask someone for help. Send an email. Research. Read. Implement. Do. Those little micro-movements add up and over time they displace your fears.

Note: There are articles on the blog that provide you with a blueprint to help you achieve your freelance writing goals. So, what’s your excuse?

If you enjoy writing and are serious about improving your writing skills, becoming a freelance writer, and want to earn more, I can help! Feel free to email me at

P.S. No, I’m not selling you anything. I’m not going to ask you to buy my book or even sign up for my course (I don’t have one) or weekly newsletter, I’m simply offering you help.

But remember while I can offer you assistance and support, you have to put in the work. No action = No results.


Nick D

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